189 million people worldwide live with diabetes. Ascending trend. Early detection and initiative can keep the long-term consequences in check. The diabetic foot syndrome is one of the most feared complications of diabetes mellitus.
A basic distinction is made between damage to the nerves of the foot, which leads to painless pressure ulcers, and damage to the blood vessels of the foot, which leads to circulatory disorders. In many cases both forms are combined with one another. In the course of the disease, ulcers develop on the feet, which can expand. In the worst case, parts of the feet may even have to be amputated.
But with the right prevention or early treatment, you can usually prevent it from happening. The treatment of a diabetic foot belongs in the hands of a diabetes doctor or a diabetes foot clinic. Here you will find trained specialists who are very familiar with the various treatment options for this secondary disease.
Walking comfortably with diabetic foot syndrome.
FinnOrtho is the right shoe when foot wounds occur repeatedly and healing is becoming increasingly difficult. The models 97910 and 97911 with stiffened insole meet all the requirements of a diabetic therapy shoe. With the aid number these models can be prescribed on prescription in Germany.
With its specially shaped roll-off sole, FinnOrtho is the upgrade of the FinnComfort prophylaxis shoe. FinnOrtho is supplied as standard without footbeds and is supplemented by your individually adapted orthopedic insoles.